The Chocolate Lady

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Christmas photo saga, Part 4

So, I watched, in the freezing cold, as my kids frolicked along the beach. The sun was setting and the dark clouds of drenching rain were almost overhead, and the photographer was oblivious to MY requests (me being the person who hired her) and she was now working on HER desire for a reflective photo like this.....

and then the inevitable happened, and the result was this...

That's right, in her quest for the perfect reflection shot, she had the kids way out there, and the next thing that happened was a crashing wave over took both kids. Besides the fact that it was FREEEEEEZING, it quickly became an unsafe situation. Beauty, who had only learned to walk 5 months prior, was totally overtaken and submerged. I remember seeing her face under the water, as I was rescuing Pooper. Because Pooper had a broviac catheter in his chest, which is like IV tubes that go directly into your heart and hang out your body, and THEY CANT GET WET! They especially cant get wet with dirty beach water, that typically has very high bacteria levels during storms, when all crap gets washed into the ocean.

We grab the kids, and btw, I dont have any pictures of them underwater, which means the photographer may have stopped snapping shots long enough to help out, I dont know....but we quickly got them out of their wet clothes, with the intent of wrapping them up in dry blankets. But, then again, why would we do that? Why wrap them up and prevent pneumonia from setting in, when we can pick up our camera again and get a half dozen more shots like this....

So, while Im tending to Pooper, trying to minimize the tainted sea water from contaminating his catheter, she's busy shooting a Lady Godiva pictorial.....and she's not done yet!


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely hysterical - I love coming to your site after a long day just to giggle like a school girl!!!

Unknown said...

Beauty is having fun playing in the surf. She's also loving her "freedom".
Can't wait for the next installment.

The Traveling Yogi said...

OMG! I can't wait to get to the end of this saga. What a story.

Anonymous said...

more! more!