The Chocolate Lady

Friday, April 25, 2008


Im not even gonna tell you about the field trip with the first grade. The field trip to the beach, where I walked along the soft, deep sand with my sprained ankle, while the kids picked up trash for Earth Day.

But I will tell you, in case you ever wondered, that Pepperide Farms Mint Brussels cookies are H.E.A.V.E.N. and it doesnt matter that they consider 3 cookies a "serving" and that one little ole package is 5 servings, and that there are 190 calories per serving...that doesnt matter, because they are so yummy!


Unknown said...

Those first graders probably had fun cleaning up the beach. Maybe doing the part where the water meets the sand, and maybe getting wet.
I'm gonna take a wild guess about those Pepperidge Farm ate the who bag didn't you?

Unknown said...

that would be WHOLE BAG.

Unknown said...

Boo Boo Buster had a pretty good showing in the movie Baby Mama. They showed lots of stuff they do, and they showed the installers with their uniforms that said "Boo Boo Buster". Quite a unique nitch.