The Chocolate Lady

Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Lights Tour Part 1

That's right people, you read the title correctly, Ive got some Christmas lights to show you, AND, as the "part 1" implies, there will be a few installments to this exciting post.

I have just spent the past large chunk of time uploading, cropping, editing, admiring, staring, and going cross eyed at, all of the, the next posts will be easy to turn out, since the photo work is all done! Whew!

Our community has different contests to help encourage people to go all out on their lights. Some are very traditional, some are manic, some pleasant, some Griswold-ish, or as My Honey calls them, "New Jersey". The past few nights, our family buckled into the "crap mobile", hot chocolates in hand, and participated in the "individual house judging". That means, that mom had to map out the 30 entrees, which are located willy, nilly throughout the town. So, in real life terms, that meant driving with one hand holding my cocoa, the other holding the map, the judging forms on my knees, the pen in my mouth, and my chin on the steering wheel. We cruised around, oohing and aahhing, and eventually trying to come up with a "concensus style family vote".

The kids scoring was directly proportional to how much stuff was on the lawn, or how many shades of colors were represented in the lights, or how many kilowatts were expended in the display. My Honey and I prefer the more refined homes....of course. One thing we all agreed on, was that we LOVE seeing the baby Jesus displayed.

I have some things to show you from our tour, some highlights of, grab your hot cocoa and enjoy.....

Our first stop, was the house that has lights that flash to music. When we arrived, there were several cars parked nearby, watching the show. My Honey and I made it a point to only stay briefly enough to let the kids select a score, and we purposely didnt stare. Some of you may remember the fiasco that occured on Dec. 14th of last year after staring at this same house, which sent My Honey to the hospital for a couple of days. We definitely were not in the mood for THAT, so we only saw a small bit of this fine coordination of lights, colors and sounds....the little sign in front tells you the radio station to tune in to, and with each pulse of the music, different lights and figures flash...

As we continued on our journey, we were met by many friends, including....

the penguins

and this bear

and frosty....

and you will notice that down in the corner, is a VERY SPECIAL SIGN

this is the highly coveted "santa stop here" sign, that has been a small obsession for the past 2 Christmases. My kids want, in fact, feel they NEED to have that sign. Last year, we looked high and lo, which means, mom dragged herself to every discount, warehouse, craft, holiday, and retail store, in search of that sign, and never found it. So, being the crafty mom who will go to all ends to please her children, she decided to make one. That's right, she bought the wood, and worthless wood glue, and paint (remnants of which are still visible on the bricks, thanks to Beauty who thought she would be an artist), and for a couple of weeks, we had a homemade "santa stop here" sign in the yard. That is, until the storms came and the sign fell apart, leaving the shambles of a sign in the garden. So, we are always on the lookout for this sign, it is dear to our hearts.....

and soon, you will see the other fun Christmas lights that made us squeal with delight on the tour....


Unknown said...

I can see where the strobe lights to the beat of music over your radio might cause serious medical problems. I would be seeing them in my sleep.
Those signs look like someone makes them...someone with lots of experience working with wood and paint.
Hey, I know! Since just about everyone has a nice Christmas Santa Plate, this would be the perfect fundraiser for Marey next year....or not.
I can't wait for the tour part II. Oh, and bring a plastice grocery bag in case someone gets car sick so no one has to drive around in their skivvies.

The Traveling Yogi said...

Our across the street neighbor has his lights flashing to music as well - only I don't think you can turn the radio to a specific station to hear it! I love Christmas lights. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Overflowing Brain said...

Kim we had one of those signs (though we didn't get it until we were all in high school, which was a little odd) and they are very cute.

I did a quick google search and it seems like this woman: makes and sells them. It might not be ready for this Christmas, but maybe for next Christmas.

And I'll tell you I wanted so much to buy it for your family as a Christmas gift, but it seems a little stalker and creepy-ish and well, I don't know how to spell your last name or address. So Merry Christmas, hopefully you can get your sign from her blog?

jumpinginpuddles said...

wow do any of those blind the neighbours?

Stephanie Johnson said...

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